Road Ends 5M
Location Pinckey Recreation Area - Silver Lake Start Time 4/30/2017 7:44:07 AM
Category 5 Mile
Distance 5.19 miles Ascend 316 feet Descend -315 feet
Total Time 01:06:05 Moving 00:58:24 Stopped 00:07:41
Average Pace 00:12:44 min/mi Fastest Pace 00:08:11 min/mi Slowest Pace 02:15:39 min/mi
Calories 632 Average HR 159 BPM Max HR 172 BPM
Weather 44 °F Unspecified Min./Max.: 43.4 °F/44.5 °F; Pressure: 1015.3 mbar; Humidity: 70.4%; Dew point: 34.9 °F; Wind Speed: 1.7 mph; Precipitation: 0.0mm
Equipment Garmin - 910XT
Omron - HJ-729ITC
Hoka One One - Speed Instinct
Notes Cool day, had been raining but held off for the race. Trail was pretty good considering the amount of recent rain. I think this was the fifth time I have run this race. Got a 3rd place AG.
Distance (mi) Total Time Split Time Split Pace Split Speed Elevation Change (ft)
1.00 00:11:55 00:11:55 00:11:56 5.0 72.00
2.00 00:23:46 00:11:50 00:11:50 5.1 -40.29
3.00 00:35:30 00:11:44 00:11:44 5.1 -11.78
4.00 00:48:49 00:13:19 00:13:20 4.5 74.08
5.00 01:00:14 00:11:24 00:11:24 5.3 -94.97
5.19 01:06:05 00:05:50 00:31:31 1.9 1.90